How long does it take to clean your house?
When I clean my entire house I have to engage with all my belongings. The basic areas of hoovering are fine - carpet. This has to be done second to scoop up the dust of course.
Dusting which I hate because I get hayfever and the dust is one of the main causes. Rousing the dust does it - so I have to wear a mask for this part of operations. Dusting focusses the mind - do I really love that yellow enamel bowl? Does it spark joy? Well if it does and there it is, then thats great. However what can happen is that during a dust questions about whether you want to keep an item become clearer.
What to do when this happens
A session of dusting that might just take an hour is suddenly heading for the epic proportions. So the trick with this is to notice what items don't spark joy and let them go immediately - but vow to take some time to go through those which you are not sure about - perhaps your sentimental items again and see what you still love/what you want to let go of. Dusting is not the time - but its a great nudge.
If you haven't done a tidying festival and gone through all the categories of material possessions and feel overwhelmed by the thought, then give me a call. Doing a festival with another person is so much easier, fun at times, at other times exhausting - but ultimately incredibly freeing from the incumbrances that belongings can weigh us down with. Many people lose weight after a sort - almost like they are now free to do this. Two of my clients lost several stone as if by magic.
There is joy!
When the house is cleaned and dusted there is a joy about the fact that every corner has been loved and looks great.
Personally I feel that it is the best offering I can give guests - to spend time in the best version of my home.