Eco-sorting - This does not mean minimalism!

EcoLiving means living lightly on the planet. We all need to contribute to the solution here. Sometimes people feel scared about letting go of things because they know they will regret it later. The way I work, it is about finding items that give joy to the client not which items need to leave.

Doing a tidying festival does not mean becoming a minimalist. Instead, this work recognises change. Whatever we purchase needs to be balanced with what we let go of. One item comes into our lives, and one itemleaves. Sometimesafterafestival,the person realises at a later date that other items no longer give them joy. Off they go. One client told me that after we finished working through her clothes, that she now felt she had enough clothes to see her into her 'box'. Hurrah!

Whilst it is great to buy new clothes, do remember that we have lots of clothes that are in our wardrobes waiting to be worn. That is the counterbalance to minimalism - ensuring that the clothes you do have actually get worn.


Conversation about organising and decluttering with addictions specialist Jacky Power.


Dealing with Bereavement: